💠 A new information page "Bulletin" has been added to the Openinfo portal.
Functional Features:
The first section — "Quotes" is dedicated to liquid stocks traded on the Tashkent Stock Exchange (TSE), showing daily price changes. It also presents the "UCI Index" of the TSE (UCI — Uzbekistan Composite Index), calculated based on trading operations with stocks listed on the TSE.
The second section — "Executed Trades" focuses on the infographic of traded stocks by sectors, including metrics such as trade volume, number of issuers, number of securities, and number of trading accounts for buying and selling. This infographic can be sorted by date.
The third section — displays the "Top Issuers," sorted by the number of trades and volume (thousand soums) over the last 30 days, as well as a list of the most viewed significant facts regarding dividend payments on the Openinfo portal. To view information on dividends, simply click the "eye" icon to access the corresponding significant fact.
The fourth section — "News," is generated based on the most viewed significant facts by users on the Openinfo portal.
Results: The "Bulletin" page serves as a convenient tool for investors, allowing them to access more digestible infographics.
How to Use: Users can navigate to the "Disclosure of Information" section and select "Bulletin" from the submenu.
Planned Changes: Integration with the Central Bank of Uzbekistan for currency exchange rates is expected.
Disclaimer: Information on securities and "Top Issuers," sorted by the number of trades and volume (thousand soums) over the last 30 days, is based on data displayed on the TSE website (uzse.uz). Additionally, dividend information is presented according to data published by issuers on the Openinfo portal. The logic for displaying News and Top viewed data on dividends is based on the number of "clicks" by users on the Openinfo portal for each significant fact.